"Jesus said, 'Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven'" (Matthew 19:14 ESV).
"What do you want to be when you grow up?" The teacher asked her first graders.
"I want to be a police officer!" Shouted a little boy down front, while frantically waving his hand for the teacher's attention.
"Next time, wait until I call on you Johnny." The teacher admonished. "But wanting to be a police officer is a good thing. I bet you would be great at it!"
Johnny smiled and nodded his head at the teacher's approval. He was happy that she liked his career choice.
Good teachers and parents want to affirm their children's aspirations. They don't want to "hinder" their dreams.
Yet, we often "hinder" our child's spiritual receptivity. Whether intentional or not, we can be a hindrance to our children coming to Christ.
Here are just a few ways that we can "hinder" our children in coming to Jesus:
- Having an attitude that children are beneath your "adult" talk of faith.
- Your own lack of belief or poor example.
- Any false teaching that casts doubt on God's Word
- The weight and priority that you give to following God.
- The kind of example you give of a father (Earthly fathers affect a child's view of their Heavenly Father).
- (In the church) A lack of committed teachers and volunteers for children's ministry.
- (In the church) Not enough space and resources given to children's ministry.
The truth is that children are more receptive to believing in God than adults. Growing older and being more exposed to worldly things does not increase their spiritual receptivity. It lowers it.
Children are the most open to the gospel of all people.
How do you think you are doing at "letting the little children come" to Jesus? How do you think our church is doing?
Do you see any hindrances?