"They took palm branches and went out to meet him, shouting,
“Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord” (John 12:13)!
This coming Sunday we begin our remembrance of Passion Week with what Christians call Palm Sunday. So called because the crowds present on that day 2,000 years ago cut palm branches and waved them in the air shouting praises to Jesus as he made his triumphal entry into Jerusalem.
This particular week is given more space in the Bible than perhaps any other, except maybe the week of creation recorded in Genesis. All four gospels give almost daily details of what Christ did during this week that began with praise and ended with suffering
Have you ever compared these two weeks?
Day Creation Week Passion Week
Sunday Light Triumphal entry
Monday Sky/sea Cleansing the Temple
Tuesday Land/plants Teaching in the Temple
Wednesday Moon/stars Anointed in Bethany
Thursday Birds/fish Last Supper/Garden of Gethsemane
Friday Animals/man Crucifixion and death
Saturday God rested In the tomb
The Bible mostly records history in broad strokes, occasionally zooming in to focus on certain events. But there are two weeks recorded in the Scriptures where greater detail is given-- Creation week and Passion week.
Why do you suppose God wanted these two weeks so carefully recorded?
I think it's because when we rightly understand both, we rightly understand the gospel. God created a good world, but sin entered in and polluted both humanity and creation. Then, God's Son entered in to this fallen creation, becoming the second Adam, paying for our redemption on the cross, and offering us the possibility of being a new creation in Him.
Starting this Sunday, I plan to remember what Christ did on each of these days. Since God inspired all four gospel writers to carefully record this week, I plan to meditate every morning on what Jesus did that day.
Will you join me in remembering the week that Christ answered our prayer of "Hosanna" (God save us!)!