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April 27, 2011



You're spot on about hope. It's more than just a wish. Congrats on moving into the new place!

Erin Mitchell

I've never really thought about the difference between "hope" and "wish". But I enjoyed your way of seperating the two. I believe we all need to boost our hopes up and quit wishin'! We have "hoped" for a church building for so long that this has become our testimony to others. Keep the hope and faith!

Can't wait for the ribbon cutting!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

Barry Combs

Praise the LORD!

You've had a nineteen year period to teach the membership that the church is the people, not the building we gather in -- BEFORE you were blessed to have a building.

What an awesome headstart!

Mike Wheeler

Wishin' and hopin' and thinkin' and prayin'.... Remember that old Dusty Springfield hit? I'm grateful to God for allowing your hope to become your wish. Many years of peace to you Pastor. Don't stop wishin' and hopin' and thinkin' and prayin' for "you will be His!"

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