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March 18, 2011


Sabra Combs

Hey Gary,
Do you remember taking us to Grace Church back in 1986 and what was preached that Sunday? I remember that day because of his topic on the go'el or, in Hebrew, the gal'al (redeemer).

As I recall, you spent the trip back after church exitedly explaining this concept in better detail for us. So anytime someone preaches from Ruth, I always think of that day and I always remember that term, go'el.

Gary Combs

You have a great memory. I do remember that day at Grace.

I love preaching from Ruth. A great book.


Hey it's Theda and Ralph White Happy Easter and I hope you and your family enjoy the wonderful day


OH and I love the picture of you and Erin she is so beautiful

Gary Combs

Thanks for commenting on my blog, Aunt Theda. I tried to reply to your email, but it bounced back "undelivered." Would love to see you and Uncle Ralph this summer.

Belstaff Coats

Nice, and thanks for sharing this info with us.Good Luck!

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