"Go out quickly into the streets and alleys of the town and bring in the poor, the crippled, the blind and the lame" (Luke 14:21 NIV).
We took our church to the streets again this past weekend at Wilson's Whirligig Festival. This was our third year setting up a booth at the festival. Last year, over 20,000 attended the weekend event. The sudden cold snap probably reduced the crowds a little this year, but our booth stayed busy anyway. In fact, we surpassed last year's fund raiser for Hope Station (a local food pantry and homeless shelter) by raising $1,358.00!
Sonny Allen, our WCC Director of Contribution and his great team, led this churchwide effort for us. They had our WCCers selling cotton candy and raffle tickets for a donated laptop and rocking chair. We offered a special section for kids too, with free hair-painting and a craft table where they could build their own whirligig!
It was fun taking our church to the streets while raising money to help Hope Station. We made a lot of friends, we supported our city, and I think we obeyed Christ's parable in Luke 14 to "go out" and take our church to the streets.