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September 03, 2010


Robin Combs

I can see that angelic face as she sung to her Lord and, yes, it seemed like she was looking right into heaven. I miss her so much. She was the most Christ-like woman I have ever known. She sang "Amazing Grace" like no other and trusted this amazing grace with total faith.

Susan Groseclose

Sounds like home to me! How special, thanks for sharing Pastor Gary!

Gary Combs

Thanks for posting Susan. I'm sure you recognized the hills in my mother's voice.

Mike Wheeler

I know the sentiment Gary. My mom was an opera singer in her early years, and sang "Ave Maria" at Radio city Music Hall with the Boston Symphony. At 84, mom still sings in church on occasion and sings twice a month at what she calls... the old folks home.

alonzo braggs

Thanks for sharing this ministry of an obvious saint. I am blessed to hear her voice and to relate it to the gentle spirit I sense in you. Be blessed my brother.

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