"Share with God's people who are in need. Practice hospitality." (Romans 12:13 NIV)
I had a great time in Southern California last week. I attended Rick Warren's three-day invitation only conference for pastors and business leaders at Saddleback Church. I was challenged and learned a lot. But one of the highlights of the trip had nothing to do with the conference. The highlight of my trip was the hospitality of the Harris family.
George and Esther Harris and their two children, Corbeigh and Corbin, really went out of their way to take care of us during our visit. Myself and two other pastors stayed at their beautiful home and took meals at their table for the week. We were able to attend our conference without worrying about gettting a hotel or finding a restaurant. We could concentrate on the learning and then enjoy the hospitality of this wonderful, Christian family.
The Harris family belongs to Saddleback Church. They really represent their church well. I was overwhelmed by their kindness and giving.
Plus, they taught me to really eat sushi (Apparently, I've been eating some lesser form at our local Eastern NC buffet). On one of our last nights together they took us out to eat at a Sushi Bar. George ordered for us and explained in detail what we were eating and how to do it. We had a blast!
The Harris family is practicing an ancient Christian art form... hospitality. The apostle Paul commanded the Roman believers in no uncertain terms that they were to "practice" hospitality. Sadly, this seems to be a lost art in our day.
But I was glad to see that there are Christians who still practice it. I believe that this is not only a command, I believe that the Holy Spirit gives many of us an additional giftedness for it.
I thank God for the Harris family. I'm convinced that God has gifted them with the art of hospitality. I'm thankful that they are using their gift.
What about you? Will you practice hospitality? When is the last time you had someone over for a meal?
And by the way, does anyone know where I can get some authentic sushi around here?