"Finally, brethren, pray for us, that the word of the Lord may have free course, and be glorified, even as it is with you." 2 Thessalonians 3:1 (KJV)
According to conservative estimates, over 78,000 people have died in Myanmar (Burma) as a result of last week's cyclone. I began praying for Myanmar the minute I heard about the cyclone. Not because I'm some kind of holy prayer warrior. The simple truth is I have a friend there. It's amazing how motivated you are to pray when someone's face comes to your mind.
I met my friend (I'll leave him unnamed for security reasons) from Myanmar at a pastor's conference in Hawaii last year. He is a pastor. He leads a church in a country where it is very difficult to be a Christian, especially a pastor.
I started praying for my friend upon hearing of the cyclone. But I wondered how I might discover his status. Yesterday morning, during my time of devotion, I asked God to help. When I turned on my laptop to check email. Guess who my first email was from? Praise the Lord! It was from my friend. Here is the email he sent me:
Dear Pastor Gary,
Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ from Myanmar!
I hope you and your family are doing well . By the grace of God we are very well too.
Narkit cyclone destroyed many cities, villages and people in Myanmar.
My house, School building and some church members houses were destroyed too.
No electricity, no water, no phone and no email at my place this time.
Most of people are difficult situation life in Myanmar now.
Hope to pray for Myanmar.
In His grace,
What a joyful servant the Lord has in Myanmar! No house, no school, no water, no phone, but "we are very well." He had to walk into the city to send this email to me.
Because I have been at a conference at Saddleback Church in California this week, I was able to share this email with several pastors. Before the morning was over we had networked with Saddleback, Samaritan's Purse, and New Hope Church in Hawaii to check on my friend and discover how to help.
I'm glad the Lord brought my friend's face to mind. I am praying for him, his church, and the people of Myanmar. I am also praying that God will use my friend to bring glory to Him and reach many for Him because of this disaster.
I pray for the face I know and for the many I have never seen.