"God said, It's not a big enough job for my servant just to recover the tribes of Jacob, I'm setting you up as a light for the nations so that my salvation becomes global!" (Isaiah 49:6 Mes)
I've just finished a great week with one of my mentors, Rick Warren. He invited pastors from all over the world to come to California and discuss how we might network together to conquer what he calls the "Five Global Giants" that the world faces.
Rick says that as he prayed about the "Goliath" problems facing the world today, he felt that the five greatest ones were as follows:
- Spiritual emptiness
- Self-serving leaders
- Extreme poverty
- Pandemic diseases
- Rampant illiteracy
This week Rick challenged pastors to lead their churches to be the body of Christ and take on these giants in the world. Rick calls it the "PEACE Plan."
- P - Promote reconciliation
- E - Equip Leaders
- A - Assist the poor
- C - Care for the sick
- E - Educate the next generation
At WCC, we have always felt called to be the body of Christ to our community and to the world. But sometimes it's easy to feel overwhelmed by the size of the "giants." How can we impact the world when we're having trouble with these same giants in Wilson? But this week I'm reminded that the body of Christ is bigger than WCC (OK, I knew that, but now I see a way that we can network together).
I've identified our church and myself as being available to help reach the Middle East. We already have several of our people there and it only makes sense to laser in on what God is already doing through our church. I've told Rick that we're available to send people to help face these global giants.
As I return I'm reminded how good it is to have friends. I've been here this week with several dear friends of mine from North Carolina. Pastor Bob Felts from Burlington, Pastor Tom Bartlett from Wilkesboro, and Pastor Bud Wrenn from Burlington along with myself have all committed to lead our churches to work together in facing down these giants.
When God gave this "global" vision to Isaiah, the old prophet was discouraged and feeling as if his life's work had been in vain. Rather than telling Isaiah to take a break or just saying be encouraged, God said, "Isaiah, you need a bigger vision! I'm taking my message of salvation global and you're my man!"
This week I've been reminded that WCC is more than just a small church in Eastern NC. We are part of God's global vision. His church is the sling in his hand for bringing down these global Goliaths.
Will you join me in believing and obeying God's call?