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February 22, 2008


Steven Wall

Truth, huh? Is there such a thing as truth anymore? We live in a post modern world that tells us that truth is subjective. What's true for you is not true for me, and what's true for me today might not be true for me tomorrw. It all depends on my cercumstance.
I believe without absolute truth there can be no knowledge or wisdom gained. How can you expect to understand the origins of the universe if you don't first believe in the concept of absolute truth? Without the idea that there is a concrete truth out there; a clear cut right and wrong, the argument about the origins of the universe doesn't matter. Because no matter what data or proof you throw at it, it will be twisted to met your subjective view point.

Gary Combs

Hey Steve,
Did you watch the promo? I think Stein will inspire some interesting conversation in our "post modern" world.


Oh, that guy is hilarious! This should generate some interesting conversations.

Mike Wheeler

Truth and wisdom is alive in the hearts and humility of mankind's choices, especially in the post modern world.

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