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February 13, 2008


Steven Wall

Isn't funny that no matter how much trouble we find our selves in, us men, just hate calling for help? We would much rather wait it out or try and fix it our selves then to admit we need to depend on someone or something other than our own strength and understanding.

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding"

Just a thought that popped into my head while reading your blog.

Mike Wheeler

Don't feel bad Pastor, I ran out of gas in the church parking lot. My first thought was "engine failure". I knew a seasoned veteran like myself couldn't be out of gas. Well I was wrong. You're right, it does take that gas a while to get where it's supposed to be.....even after you go to "reserve".

Mark Brantley

Hey Gary,
Holly and I just bought leather jackets(at a 2nd hand store with 50% off) here in Russia.(We are sooooo CHEAP) We joked about itinerating with Bikes when we get back to the states and wearing these jackets. We'll look you up, but only if you fill up before riding. :-) I am enjoying reading the blogs. Nice to read some reality of how difficult life can be as well as sharing in the joys that God brings our way. Keep it up. We love and miss you guys!! M and H

Gary Combs

Hey Mark,
You've always had an eye for a bargain. Someone in the church gave me their old Harley leathers. You should have seen me when I first wore them. They were way too big. I took them to a local shoe repair to get them resized and patched up. They look great now. They've got all the zippers and such. So, I'm looking pretty bad to the bone now with my leather chaps, vest, and jacket. Now, to get Robin suited up...

Thanks for posting on my blog. I love the conversation. And I love you.

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