"Come, follow me," Jesus said, "and I will make you fishers of men" (Mark 1:17 NIV).
The Apple Corporation has caught a cultural wave. Complexity is out and simplicity is in. Their "i" products have captured the art of simplicity: iPod, iMac, iPhone, iTunes, etc. The "i" probably started out to symbolize "internet," but it has come to mean "i" can handle this. "i" can use this simple, yet powerful product.
We make Christianity too complicated. In this complex and chaotic world that we live, we are all looking for simple. Well, good news (It is the Good News by the way)! Following Jesus is simple. He simply says, "Follow me."
This coming Sunday we conclude our 4-part series entitled: "iChurch: How Three Simple Commitments Make Big Changes." This has been a powerful time for our church. We've seen many decisions to become Christ-followers. We've seen many deepen their commitment to celebrate their relationship to God through regular worship attendance and daily Bible reading and prayer.
This past week two brand new Community Groups were started in homes as people made the commitment to connect.
Now, this Sunday we will conclude with the importance of making the commitment to contribute. Jesus wants us to be more than consumers. He calls us to be contributors.
It's amazing how three simple commitments to ...
- Celebrate God by giving Him the first day of every week and the first part of every day.
- Connect to God's people by meeting weekly in homes to devote themselves to the apostle's teaching, to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer (Acts 2:42).
- Contribute to God's Kingdom by offering Him your time, talent, and treasure.
... Can produce such powerful results!