"Our bodies have many parts, but these parts don't all do the same thing. In the same way, even though we are many individuals, Christ makes us one body and individuals who are connected to each other" (Romans 12:4-5 GW).
I love Legos.
I've been buying them for my kids since they were born. We've bought Legos for them every Christmas until it's become a family tradition. And don't think we've stopped because they are all grown up and married either. We still put them in their stockings. We even got our new son-in-law, Abbott, into Legos this year.
I'm not sure that the boys would admit it, but I think they liked getting Legos better than clothes this Christmas.
I love the way we play together and build things together with Legos. I love the way they snap together in nearly limitless ways. You can really let your creativity soar with these little blocks. You can build almost anything if you just have enough blocks to snap together and the creativity and vision to do it.
You have to have a lot of blocks because only one block won't do. You have to have bunches of them. The more the better. And you also have to be aware that one block can't connect to all the blocks. In fact, one block is pretty much "snapped out" after it connects to five or six other blocks. There just isn't enough capacity in one block.
I've noticed that with people. I want to connect to everyone, but I can't really connect to more than four or five in a really close fashion. That's why I love small groups. In a small group (like our WCC Community Groups) you can get really connected to one another the way God intended.
Then, we can connect your small group to every other one and we build a great church. A great church must grow large and small at the same time. All of our needs are met through our connection to God and one another.
As God said of the first man that he made, "It's not good for man to be alone."
So, make like a Lego and get connected!